Monday, January 21, 2008


On three (3) separate occasions, in one week, I had the same vision everytime I'd look out the window of my front door. In the vision, I was running down the opposite side of my block, screaming 'Help!' A week later, this vision became a living nightmare. When my five-year-old daughter fell unconscious after suffering a (complex) Febrile Seizure. The only difference in the vision and reality was my daughter.
I was running, with her in my arms, screaming for help. Her lips had turned a purplish color, and her temperature went from slightly-elevated to 103 in a matter of a few minutes. My next-door neighbor brought her out of her seizure (Praise God!). But, when she arrived at the hospital her temperature had risen to 104 (degrees). The doctors tried everything they could to get my daughter's temperature under control. They gave her a Spinal Tap (to detect infection), and packed her body in ice (among other things) and nothing seem to work. Still, her temperature continued to rise to 105 (degrees). The doctors also said they thought my daughter had been in the seizure too long-over (10 minutes) and that she may have suffered brain damage. Two days had passed, and her temperature was still at 105. The doctors informed me they had done everything possible and that if her temperature started to rise again, she would die. I was devastated. A few hours later, I looked over at my five-year-old, she was so red in color and very warm to the touch, but she was in no pain, and no discomfort what so ever. (Praise God!) She was smiling at me and giggling, and moving about in her hospital bed. Later, when I had to leave for fifteen minutes, she even had enough strength to sneak out of her bed, pass the Nurses Station, and play in the playroom, with the other sick children. The doctors were unable to explain to me how she could be acting like a healthy five-year-old, but medically be so close to death.
She should have been too weak, too sick to get out of bed. Yet, she managed to do so. That night, I was so exhausted I just laid across the
foot of my daughter's bed after she went to sleep, and took a nap. The nurses were kind enough not to disturb me as they continue to monitor her throughout the night. I awoke about 5 (am) and was told she had been sleeping peacefully, but her temperature had started to rise again ever so slowly toward 106 (degrees). It was while listening to the nurse, that a serene calm suddenly came over me, and I started to remember the spiritual things that had happened to me, during the week of my daughter's arrival at the hospital. Each time, I entered the hospital to visit my daughter, I would have to walk pass the hospital chapel, and when I did, I'd feel a light tugging on my right arm. It was as if something or someone was pulling me toward the chapel. But, when this happened, I'd resist, telling myself I didn't have time to go in, I had to be with my daughter. After thinking about it, I realized this had happen to me on at lease three separate occasions, and I became suddenly aware that, I hadn't prayed! Oh my God! I hadn't prayed for my little girl! I always pray! I pray for people I know, people I don't know. Yet, I forgot to pray for my own child! How could I forget to pray?!
That had never happened to me before!
It was a little past five in the morning, when I knelt beside my daughter's hospital bed and asked God for forgiveness.
Psalm 9:1 reads, "I will praise thee, O Lord with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works."
I didn't follow scripture. I had ignored the presence of God, when I was
shown the vision at my front door 3 different times, for a week. God was there. I was blind to His presence when my little girl was burning up with fever, yet she was happy, and was not suffering. God was there loving and comforting her. And, when I was being spiritually pulled to the chapel for prayer, it was God tugging gently on my arm pleading for me, to come with Him and pray for my little girl. How could I have been so absorbed in a crisis that literally screamed for the intervention of God, and not call upon Him?!
I was mystified and ashamed at my actions. "Oh, my God please forgive me! Please forgive me!" I asked with fervency, as I prayed for forgiveness
and help for my little girl - that, if its His will, to please save her life, once again (He had saved her life at (9) days old. See second post).
When I finished praying, I felt in spirit, it was alright to leave the hospital for a short time, just long enough to check on my eight-year-old daughter, who was very sick with the flu, and also had a rising temperature.
It took fifteen minutes to ride from the hospital to my home, another ten minutes to find out my daughter's temperature had subsided and she was doing fine (Praise God!). As my husband and I turned to rush back to the hospital, the telephone rang. It was a nurse calling from the Nurse's Station outside my daughter's hospital room. She was so excited, she was screaming into the telephone that my daughter's temperature had suddenly gone from 105 (point something) degrees and rising (a death watch) to a life-saving 103 degrees, in a matter of a couple of minutes.
She said that the hospital staff couldn't understand, what had happened!
I knew they thought my daughter was going to succumb to her illness because she was so sick. But, God had other plans for my little girl (which you can read about in my next post) and saved her life once again, and I praised a most merciful God. The doctors also said my daughter would suffer with more Febrile Seizures during her life, but the Lord has been watching over her. And to this day, many years later, those seizures have never occurred, and there was no damage to her brain from the childhood seizure. Psalm 29:2 reads, "Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."


Please, always pray for someone you don't know. And, tell no one who that person is. May God Bless you.

Copyright 2007 , 2008.

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